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‘Synaesthesia’ : the soul of the creator
Exhibitors Face à Face

‘Synaesthesia’ : the soul of the creator

A new campaign by the Paris-based design brand explores the world of fine art and the phenomenon of ‘Synaesthesia’, the ability to mix the senses and taste shapes or hear colours. The campaign is released alongside an eyewear collection that explores new directions in volumes, shapes, materials and textures. “Many famous artists are gifted with synaesthesia and have the ability to see and sense colour and form in a way that is surreal to others,” explains Pascal Jaulent, Head of Design at FACE À FACE. “We have found it very intriguing and fascinating to explore the many dimensions of this ability.” The frame designs play with contrasts in colour and materials, resembling unique pieces of art with “alluring and surprising” characteristics. FACE À FACE is part of Design Eyewear Group.
