Gabriele Civiero
President of the Italian Optometric SocietyEvents
Monday 10 Feb — 2025
Critical issues of the demographic-economic scenario in the development of the optical supply chain: the role of education and training.
Giorgio Righetti (President of the Zaccagnini Institute), Lucrezia Gilardoni (Director of the Zaccagnini Institute, Milan Branch), Anto Rossetti (Chairman of the IBZ Scientific Committee, Lecturer at the Zaccagnini Institute and at the University of Padua), Andrea Afragoli (President FEDEROTTICA), Gabriele Civiero (President of the Italian Optometric Society), Mauro Frisani (Lecturer at the Zaccagnini Institute, IBZ, and the University Of Turin).
Curated by the Benigno Zaccagnini Institute.
Curated by the Benigno Zaccagnini Institute.