Following the communication from the Directorate General of INAIL (national institute for insurance against accidents in the workplace) of 19 March and the explanatory document issued by the Italian National Institute of Health on 20 March, that lay down the implementing measures of Art. 15* of Italian Legislative Decree 18* of 17 March 2020 – which provides for the exceptional release on the market by manufacturers and importers (*self-certification of products without CE marking*) of Personal Protective Equipment and Medical Devices aimed at mitigating the risks associated with the COVID-19 emergency – DOLOMITICERT and CERTOTTICA are taking action and are available to work alongside companies at the self-certification and compilation stages of the technical documentation provided with PPEs for the COVID-19* emergency. In brief these are:
– a complete description of the PPE and its purpose (risk assessment, essential applicable requirements, regulatory references)
– reports and results of tests for verifying PPE conformity with essential requirements
– instructions and information for the user
At the same time, for manufacturers or distributors that intend to start the CE certification process as set forth by current regulations: the laboratories are able to carry out all the required tests (either directly or with the help of accredited partners).